

Recieve the tools, guidance and support
to create what you love 

and share it with the world!

ArtCamps are Workshops, Retreats or Sessions with Practice and  Teachings on specific artistic themes creating the space for you to
develop and activate your gifts and your purpose in Arts, in Life and in Business.
ArtCamps can  be held online and  in presence.

An ArtCamp and can be developed for  special needs Teams, groups and situations.
connect to me, to cocreate! 

Beschreibung und Anmeldung in deutsch

 ArtCamp Nr.2: Joyfull Videocreation
Sei Du selbst vor der Kamera

‚The Icebreaker-Course‘
for Videocreation

Enjoy being yourself on camera and
produce videos you really like!

This is a live-Course,  you will love,
if you are looking for guidance on how to create videos
 to show up with your offers, your mission and your message in the world.
On social media or for production of video-courses,
or to show up more authentically in your field –

This ArtCamp is for you you’d love to experience a playful kind approach,
are ready to go and
want to step out now !

this is an online course,



Guidance and Alignment for video-production

 Learn how to produce videos with joy and creativity 

Find your approach, your  formats and your style 

Share from a place of confidence and authenticity 

 Be who you are and allow yourself to be seen

Know your Why,

Explore your When and What

Embody your values

Sharpen your message

and share them with the world

              ♥  YES Please ! I’m In!  ♥


30 Years of experience
in artistic Foto- and Video- creation,
actor-Training,  s
elfdirecting and performing Arts
support you
in creating from a place of
free Expression and confidence !
